Airport Car Parking


airport parking Chubu-CentrairLong stay parking is the popular choice for most travelers be it for holiday or business travel with prices based on the number of days a vehicle is left for. Typically they are further away from the airport then the short or mid stays and often require a short ride in a transfer bus to reach the terminal. When hitting airport grounds around the UK you will typically see signs splitting the car parks between long, short and possibly even medium stay, whilst many travelers think they can only use a short stay for a short period of time this is actually incorrect. You may park at a short stay for as long as you like but the daily charge is extremely high (they usually charge by the hour) whereas the long stay charges by the day and rates tend to be a lot cheaper. Again you can park in the long stay for a short period of time but would get charged for a full day, sometimes this is cheaper then three to four hours in a short stay option.


The airport long stays tend to offer parking for around ten pounds a day but as long as you pre-book further then twenty four in advance this can be reduced to four to five pounds per day. A weeks long stay parking at Stansted currently costs thirty two pounds to pre-book whereas the on-gate rate is nine pounds and seventy pence, thats around a fifty five percent difference (prices do change throughout the year).


During the busy summer months car parks (at Gatwick especially) car begin to fill and pre-booking for certain airports is a must just to make sure there is a space available ready for your arrival.

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